m-spangenberg.github.io is my web-log for art, code, and mechanical projects. It is a place for me to tie together loose ends, log my progress, and learn new skills. A lot of what I post here are observations and notes on topics I find interesting, so this web-log also serves as documentation for niche things I tend to easily forget. If you like what you see, subscribe to the RSS feed for updates as I post them. As always, the opinions expressed here are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer, or my colleagues.

Monochrome Map of Walvis Bay, Namibia


I wanted something fast, easily maintainable, and secure so this site’s content is written in Markdown, built with the excellent static-site generator Hugo, and skinned using the awesome hello-friend-ng theme. I do suggest checking them all out if you’d like to build your own web-log.